International Survival Supplies Ltd. was originally organized by Donald Rohl to meet the demand for high quality, and reliable survival equipment. Our company started as a partnership in 1968 and was incorporated in 1970.
Prior to starting the company Donald Rohl spent several years acquiring extensive knowledge required for the assembly of survival gear and equipment suitable to keep people alive under extreme weather and climatic conditions.
Since 1970 the company has devoted its time and efforts exclusively to the supply of survival gear. This is the only product we produce. ISS Ltd. supplies the aviation industry, oil companies and a large number of government services with survival gear world wide.
As of November 15, 2015 ISS Ltd along with all the expertise and knowledge from Donald Rohl's 46 years of supplying the best products worldwide, has been handed down to the next generation of Rohl's to continue to supply our customers with the best products available worldwide.
Sandi has been involved with the business for the past 20 years, Sandi has great plans for upgrading and improving our kits with todays latest and greatest products and technology. Leading ISS Ltd. into the future with the best products available, to ensure that our products shall always be the best at a reasonable cost.
Donald Rohl once spent six weeks living in a tent at -63 degrees Fahrenheit in Arctic weather conditions. His knowledge of the requirements for quality, light weight survival gear comes first hand.